This is my signature program. It’s where I teach all the tools, strategies and secrets that helped me break my old, unhealthy patterns with food and literally reprogram and rewire the way my brain thinks about what I eat.
I’ll take you through my six-part blueprint for reprogramming your old “operating system” so that you learn how to start working with your brain’s natural wiring rather than against it, setting yourself up for long-term success that no longer feels like a daily fight!
We’ll dig deep into your old programming around food and you’ll learn new skills like meditation, mindfulness and visualization to start creating an entirely new operating system that will support your new relationship with food.
Course Curriculum
Class 1: What to Eat
CYB Class 1 - What to Eat
What to Eat
Best 10 Weekly Checklist
CYB Recipes
Meal & Snack Ideas
Class 2: Tapping Into Motivation & Mindfulness
CYB Class 2 - Tapping Into Motivation & Mindfulness
Class 2 - Handout
Class 3: Foods to Avoid & Cravings
CYB Class 3 - Foods to Avoid & Cravings
Class 3 - Handout
Class 4: Emotional Eating
CYB Class 4 - Avoiding Emotional Eating
Class 4 - Handout
Class 5: Planning & Cooking
CYB Class 5: Planning & Cooking
Class 5 - Handout
Class 6: Rewiring Old Habits
CYB Class 6: Rewiring Your Habits
Class 6 - Handout
Class 7: Navigating Social Situations & Pressure
CYB Class 7: Navigating Social Situations & Pressure
Class 7 - Handout
Class 8: Self-Care & Self-Love
CYB Class 8: Self-Care & Self-Love
Class 8 - Handout
Night Time Snacking Masterclass
Night Time Snacking Masterclass
Planning Template
Healthy Night-time Snack Ideas
Journal Prompts
About the instructor
Holistic Nutritionist
Sara Best